Sluiter Ellwoodii

Sluiter Ellwoodii


In beginning of October 2023 Bara Mineraler was visiting the company, Sluiter Ellwoodii. The company is managed by Willianne and Jan Sluiter. Jan has his background in technology but in 1975 he started growing plants. Jans daughter Willianne Sluiter joined the company six years ago and is now the director and 50% owner of Sluiter Ellwoodi.

The fact that Jan has a background in technology is reflected in the company. Lots of machines are developed in house. The latest development is their own production line for making printed pots which also includes taking back and recirculate used pots. A wide range of conifers are grown in a 9 cm pot on an area of 14 hectares. Sluiter is the specialist in the field of ’Ellwoodii’ and the main crop is the cultivation of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ’Ellwoodii’. 

“I need Bara Clay for my crops. I have tried many things over the past 40 years, including different types of clay. I know the differences between the clay types. Even though the potting soil suppliers indicate that they have their own clay, I want Bara Clay. If I change potting soil supplier, I demand that Bara Clay should be used”.
Jan Sluiter

Read the full reference project!



Sluiter Ellwoodii


Opheusden, Netherlands
